Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Today's outfit made me feel so girly and feminine. I got these pants from Zara a few weeks ago and I've been struggling to find the right top to pair with them but I recently bought this top and it goes so well together! The top has so much detail and is super adorable and I thought the soft pink pants added to the girliness of the top. Even though the top hides the small silver zipper and minor quilting on the side of the pants, I love these two pieces together.
Outfit Details: Top- Forever21 (SO SURPRISED I FOUND THIS THERE) Pants- Zara 

Monday, May 5, 2014


For me, there is NOTHING worse than trying to go through all of the clothes in my closet and having the hardest time finding what to wear. In order to avoid this problem, you must take proper precautions starting when you go shopping. Here are my tips for shopping that will help you avoid the "I have nothing to wear!" scenario.

Don't Buy for the Price
Things are getting pricy nowadays so whenever we see something that's on sale we are quick to buy it. DON'T DO THIS. If it's something you really love and it happens to be a great price then that's perfectly okay but ask yourself this, "Do I love this enough to buy it if it were regular price?" If the answer is no then save yourself the money. Not only are you saving yourself money but you're preventing yourself from filling you closet with items you don't really care for which brings me to my next point... 

Buy Quality Items
This doesn't necessarily mean good quality fabric or material. It means items that you LOVE, items you are OBSSESSED with, items that you can wear over and over and not get tired of it. These items may be very hard to find and when you do, of course they are more than what we are willing to pay. However, it's worth the money (if you can afford it). It's better to fill your closet with a few amazing pieces than to have an entire closet full of things that are average and that you will get sick of in a week. By buying "quality" items, you're less likely to feel like you have nothing to wear because you have clothes that you love!

Wear in Moderation
Now that you've gone shopping and have found quality pieces, don't wear them all right away. I know it's very tempting but if you wear it all in a week, you'll feel like you have nothing to wear because you wore everything you just bought. Then, you'll feel the urge to go shopping even though you just broke the bank. Say you bought five items, wear one or two items a week. It'll be about two to three weeks before you feel like you have nothing to wear which is a lot better than feeling that way everyday!

These are a few tips that have helped me avoid feeling like I have nothing to wear all the time. But, of course, sometimes this is going to happen and I will have another post about what to do when you have nothing to wear soon!