Monday, August 11, 2014

Fashion = Narcissism?: The Truth Behind the Fashion World

If you see someone walking down the street and they are head to toe covered in the brands below, what would you assume to be their personality? Kind and selfless? or Arrogant and rude?

What other adjectives would you describe the personalities of people are rockin' the best outfits?

Well, I'll tell you a few adjectives and descriptions I've heard people say to me...

Self-absorbed            Unable to be active and do adventurous things

"Boojee" (snobby)        All I ever want to do is go to the mall

 "You probably go around just judging what everyone wears" 

"I'm surprised to hear you don't like being the center of attention"

And those are just some of things people have actually said to me but I'm sure people have said many other things behind my back. The funny thing about this is that these were all said in a "friendly" and "playful" way but to me, these definitely had a negative connotation and came from their true opinions.
 Just because I may know of these brands doesn't make me "boojee"
 Just because I enjoy fashion and looking my best doesn't mean I go around judging everybody who doesn't want to do the same.
I may not want to spend the majority of my time outside running but that doesn't mean I don't like to do other outdoor activities for fun.
I may want to go to the mall frequently but why is that a bad thing? It's no different than a person who loves soccer to always want to be out on the field yet going to the mall is given a negative connotation.
And lastly, not everyone who is into fashion is self-absorbed. I'm always there for my family and friends and the last thing they would tell you is that I'm arrogant. These are all ASSUMPTIONS.

The Truth about Fashion
Yes, there are people who wear expensive brands and are narcissistic but not only are these kinds of people everywhere, but they are not into fashion for the right reasons. Those who truly love fashion are passionate about it because of its impact, its' history, and the empowerment it gives to people (Recognize the difference between empowerment and arrogance). That is why I love fashion. It has changed my life. It has given me the confidence and power I needed because I was once so insecure. It has given me something to be passionate about and it's one of the only things that picks me up when I'm at my lowest. I wear nice outfits for ME because it makes ME feel good about myself not because I like looking better than anyone else or because I'm trying to impress someone but for ME. People associate expensive brands with people who think they are superior to others but to me, it's like art. Not only is it a stunning piece but it's by a famous designer who has been around for decades or even centuries. It's just like a sculpture or painting. Sure it's nice but it's only valuable or relevant to you because of it's artist. Yet people don't perceive someone who has a van Gogh painting as being self-absorbed. So then why is it that having a Chanel bag means you're a snobby upperclassmen?

Stop assuming you know everything about a person and automatically give them a bad reputation by the clothes and brands they wear. Because style is a way to say who you are without having to speak, you may have an idea about who someone is but that doesn't give you the right to degrade someone without actually meeting them.
I hope this is a wake up call to some of you because I'm tired of having to defend what I believe in and who I am as a person.

Instagram: Lissssc
Shop My Closet: on the vinted app @licar