Saturday, December 7, 2013

Worst Trends of 2013

This year was full of many great trends but these are a few that missed the mark for me..

Animal Sweaters 

WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY????? I love animals and maybe they're cute for little kids but why are grown women wearing these sweaters as a fashionable piece? I just don't get it. There have been numerous occasions where I'm in a store and I see a cute sweater from behind but when I pick it up, the sweater is ruined by the huge animal on it. This trend needs to stop!
Sneaker Wedges
Considering how popular these were this year, I'm probably one of the very few who didn't like this trend.  To me, they're just bulky and  not cute. Thank god this trend has died down.
I remember wearing a lot of velvet items when I was younger and I can confidently say I'm happy I'm still not wearing them given the fact that it's a hot trend right now. NO JUST STOP, PLEASE! I hate this trend. To me, it's tacky and makes people look like a rug. It also doesn't help that skirts, tops, and leggings come in this fabric. Not the best trend at all, in my opinion.
Platform Flats
Okay, I think many people will agree that this is one of the worst trends of the year. They're so unattractive and are incredibly difficult to pull off. They're obnoxious and unappealing to the eye. Please, don't commit fashion suicide by wearing these. SAVE YOURSELF.


Why did these come back? The world doesn't need to see people wearing overalls! These are by far the worst trend of the year. They're unflattering to the body and I have yet to see someone pull off overalls to the point where I'd actually want to wear them. This trend has to go and officially never come back!